My first training in traditional Hatha Yoga, together with months of voluntary work in the ashram in India, exposed me to the roots of yoga, its history and philosophy. I studied the intricacies of asana (postures), mudras (symbolic gestures), bandhas (energy 'locks'), drishti (focal points), pranayama ('breath control'), and the traditional shatkarmas (purification techniques). I believe the creative and intelligent blending of these tools, together with a strong emphasis on meditation (the heart of it all!), is essential to create a unique and Beauty-full experience.

After years practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa & Rocket Yoga, I found my body needed to explore different movement modalities and my mind needed to be exposed to other teachings. This is when I specialized in the slower and therapeutic style of Forrest Yoga, as well as Yin, together with the ceremonial practices of the native people.

I aim to facilitate a space where ceremony becomes an integrated part of the Vinyasa classes. When practicing with me you can expect to:

- Sit in meditation.
- Set a clear intention and learn how to trace it.
- Contemplate spiritual teachings and yoga philosophy.
- Move through a strong, invigorating, and intelligently sequenced asana practice.
- Connect to mantras and medicine music from spiritual traditions across the world.
- Close the practice in gratitude.