monday evenings online


Here’s how our Monday evenings look like:

  • the meeting will start at 6:45pm for those who wish to join an optional community gathering: an informal chat on yoga, spirituality, and how we feel our practice can relate to broader life events and the happenings around the world.

  • at 7pm (GMT) we kick off the practice. This will be a 75min open level Vinyasa class weaving a strong & mindful sequence, together with meditation and chanting.

    Just to reinforce that the chat is optional - it's just a nice way to connect and say hi - you can absolutely log in at 7pm and join us straight for practice.

    Click here to register for class on Monday, March 31st.

Suggested payment: £8-£12 (self-assess)
Please support these online offerings by making a payment before class. 

Bank transfer
Christian Coelho Bayne-Jardine
Sort Code: 40-46-39
Account Number: 21829521

revtag @christ4hs9

I look forward to seeing you soon!




drop me a message if you have any questions!