My journey teaching yoga began in 2012, having just moved from Rio de Janeiro, the town I was born and raised, to study in the UK. I founded the Yoga Society on campus, and the positive impact the community had on myself and the students was overwhelming. As soon as I graduated, I jumped on a plane to India to live the “ashram life”, and to immerse myself in the culture. It was in India where my passion for the history and philosophy of yoga was ignited. I left that trip with a much stronger appreciation of yoga and it's rich history of texts and traditions.
It was through the exploration of different yogic methods, together with years of studying alternative healing modalities, that I developed my own approach: a mindful practice that creatively combines elements of different styles for a healing and transformative experience.
The study of the sacred texts led me to further my education at SOAS University of London, studying with renowned scholars, such as Jim Mallinson, Jason Birch, Suzanne Newcombe and Mark Singleton - graduating in 2016 with a master’s degree in the Traditions of Yoga.
I am convinced that studying yoga philosophy is a powerful ally to help us experience yoga "beyond the mat". One of my missions is to present the philosophy of yoga, with its complex and often misunderstood spiritual teachings, in an accessible way for students to understand its concepts and embody its principles. With this endeavour in mind, I look forward to publishing my first book in 2024, of which more information will soon be promoted.
After living and teaching in London, I decided to open my own yoga studio in Brazil alongside my mother, who is a yoga teacher herself. In 2018, Casa 111 Yoga & Terapias was born and quickly became a hub for regular workshops, teacher trainings, and a home for international teachers. Our vibrant community in Rio continues to be developed to this day.
It was in Rio that I deepened my studies in shamanism, medicine music, and the rituals from the native cultures. Learning the sacred ways of the indigenous people hit home to my heart and reignited my passion for spiritual knowledge.
In the past 8 years I have travelled globally, running retreats, teaching workshops, philosophy lectures, music events, and leading teacher trainings in Europe, Indonesia, and South America. I feel incredibly blessed to be doing what I love, and to be connecting with you!
May we continue to step forwards to a more sustainable, kind, and connected world.
Christians classes are a journey. A journey through the body, with the soul, with the spirit. There are only a handful of teachers that I know that can lift my yoga practice up to a different level and Christian is certainly one of them.
Christians classes transforms oneself. Not only he teaches an asana practice where one can find themselves learning more about the detailed alignment of the body. He is able to lead your way inwards in order to get closer to your core being. With his detailed queuing, wisdom sharings, powerful enchanting voice, and uplifting spirit you just feel that he is embodying the path of yoga with all his heart. In Savasana you will know that you will lift up and fly away, descending down afterwards with a smile on your face and an open grateful heart.
Maartje Pasman, Austria
Christian is one of the few teachers I have met who has the rare and impressive ability to distill complex philosophical concepts and communicate them in a way that is relevant and meaningful to students. He also has the ability to connect with students in a way that is unmatched by any teacher I have practiced with! Christian can read a person, read a room and through that, build a connection with students, which he always does with a sense of warmth and generosity of spirit. In asana practice, Christian is a skillful yogi and yoga teacher, whose intelligent sequencing, and useful, clear instruction make his classes a joy.
Through the Yoga West teacher training, Christian was incredibly generous with his time, patient, encouraging, and inspirational. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Christian and gain access to the wealth of knowledge he offered. Christian is a teacher who inspires me, and it’s always a privilege to practice with him.
Melanie, London UK
“I met Christian at my yoga teacher training in Bali where he was one my teachers. I am so lucky to have be taught by him as he has a beautiful way of teaching. His warm and fun personality, his energy and his passion for yoga and ceremonies played a massive part of why my experience at the training was more than I could have asked for. Every yoga class, meditation and ceremony hit right in the heart and it helped me develop on a personal level in so many ways. Anyone who has the chance to be taught by Christian is lucky and I couldn’t recommend him more.”
Emma Ekström, Sweden
Christian is a remarkable young man and teacher. A fantastic vinyasa teacher and teacher trainer. His knowledge of yoga philosophy and history is detailed and engaging and his passion for the subject is contagious. Most of all he is an impressive and inspirational human being. Everyone should practice and study with Christian.
James Muthana, London UK
Christian is a very unique yoga teacher. Besides his vast knowledge of the Asana practice and his amazing way of teaching it, I really do admire his special touch for ceremonial and traditional aspects.
He allows you to reconnect to yourself, to mother earth and all spirits in a very special way. Teaching it from the heart and with such compassion. Something that can't be described, but should definitely be experienced! An all over, very different yoga practice, which is more than worth a try! Thank you Christian for sharing that knowledge with a such enthusiasm and passion with us. It is very contagious :)
Anja, Austria
Christian is one of the most empathic and sensitive yoga teachers I know. I always feel held and seen in his classes - even if they are "only" online. Every time I practice with Christian I feel that not only my body, but also my mind gets stronger. Christian‘s classes are fixed appointments with my body and my soul. Thank you for being as amazing as you are!
Lisa de Pasqualin, Austria
Christian's classes are very well-rounded and provide a great balance of physical challenge, yoga philosophy, personal inquiry and creativity. I always learn something new in his classes whether it's to do with philosophy, a cool new transition or a creative part of his sequencing.
As the lead teacher on the teacher training course at The Power Yoga Co., Christian is an amazing source of knowledge, advice and fun, and allows you to think for yourself. He's a super approachable, genuine guy and the way he holds emotional space is very admirable, whether that's in a studio class, on the teacher training course or during a workshop. A very inspiring person to be learning from!
Chris Tang, London UK